Monday, June 25, 2018

Trip to Hood River

We started the morning with breakfast at home - breakfast tacos with chorizo, eggs, cheese on tortillas.   After sitting around for a while going "OOF" and breathing heavily while feeling ill, we set off for our trip down the Columbia River Gorge scenic route and to Hood River.

We started the drive down the gorge, stopping at one scenic overlook and the Vista House on Crown Point.  The Vista House was apparently built in the early 1900s for the ladies who just couldn't seem to make it without a bathroom stop as they wound their way down the Columbia River Highway.

How come Chris won't build me a bathroom as pretty as this one?

We then headed off to the Bonneville Lock and Dam and the Bonneville Fish Hatchery - it's super cool!  A quick stop, but fun - AND educational!!   We didn't get to see the big salmon, but we saw some small fry, rainbow trout, and a huge sturgeon named Herman.

Then on to Hood River and beers at pFriem!

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