Sunday, September 27, 2009

Napa Valley, Day 3

Today we drove up to Napa to hit the wineries. It was hotter than hell - at least 100 degrees and bright sun. Jon gets the sainthood award...he was our DD for the entire day. Nancy gets the sainthood award too, since they brought us around on all of their wine club memberships. They are such fantastic friends!! Oh, and I made it over the Bay Bridge without having a major meltdown. Jon is an excellent driver. Above is a picture of me smiling going over the bridge - can you believe it?

We started at Rubicon, and had some great wines and some not so great ones. This is the winery that Francis Ford Coppola owns,so it was pretty cool. Next we did a tasting of sparkling wines at Mumm - some good ones but the service was not so good. After that we went to could skip this one for ever. Their wines were way overpriced and pretty unremarkable, bordering on shitty. There was one that tasted like salami. No shit. Jon almost threw up at the tasting counter. Skip it.

Next stop was at Sinsky - they had a great pinot noir. After that we went to Sterling and had the cellar club tasting (thanks to our friends!). It was wonderful. Got some great wine and had a great time. I even rode the gondola without freaking out (see picture of me and Chris above - again...smiling!!)! After changing our clothes in the parking lot of a restaurant - we're a class act - we went to the grape stomp at Castello di Amorosa. SO FUN!!! Great wines that you can only get there. Good food, and an amazing time spent with our great friends.

Finally, we stopped in at Fantesca, Nancy's sister's winery. It was beyond beautiful.

Slept all the way back into San Fran, got packed, and we're ready for our last day tomorrow. Today was so great, if we ever come back, we will stay in Napa.

I forgot to add this in the original post - my teeth and Chris's teeth turned blue from all the red wine. We looked like freaks! It was like some weird pseudo-Oompah Loompah-like look for us. Not attractive. I don't think I took any pictures, thank God.

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