Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Streets of San Francisco, Day 1, Morning/Afternoon

We woke up early this morning, and then were roused out of bed about 7:00 am. We started our day with a cable car ride down to Fisherman's Wharf for a bowl of clam chowder and sourdough bread. Nyum, nyum nyum, nyum!!!!! So tasty. The fantastic gastronomic experience was then topped off by the stench of 500 sea lions lounging at Pier 39. While the smell was like a sharp kick to the groin, we can now check this off of our "What kind of shitty half-baked tourist traps can we fall into" list. Rode the cable car back, which is actually kind of fun to do.

We then took a city bus down to Haight-Ashbury where we are going to get high, love other people, and stick it to the man...right after we look for a Starbuck's. I'm kidding of couse, we don't drink coffee, sillies!

We are at the Magnolia Brewpub right now for lunch...I just asked Chris what he thought about the beers, and in typical fashion he said, "They've got a pretty good selection." So beyond that I don't know what to tell you on the beers. But lunch was awesome, and the kolsch was tay-stee!

We are now going to walk (stumble) down to the historic intersection at Haight & Ashbury. Do you think they have a Target? We need camera batteries. Not only is there not a Target, there isn't any discernable form of cleanliness either. This town is kind of scuzzy. Although I think there is a way to make batteries with poo - has anyone seen Strangers With Candy that can email the directions to me? I'm pretty sure with all of the poo I've seen on the street - dog, pigeon, seagull, and yes, I think human - I can scrape the bottom of my shoes and get enough. GAGGING.

However, we are now at Toronado, each having a beer from Russian, a Pliny the Elder, and Chris, a Blind Pig. For the second time today: Nyum, nyum, nyum, nyum!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having fun (minus the sea lions and poop). But you stopped me in my tracks when you said "camera batteries from Target" - whoa, stop that nonsense and find a Best Buy! :-)
