Friday, June 17, 2022

Sub Extraction

No trip to Chicago is complete without a sub extraction.   I bought a dozen to take home, take to Charlie, and for Barbara and Paul.  They are just the same.  

I also took Dave and Jen on a little 20 minute tour of Hammond.  Notable things:

  1. My old house still looks the same and the porch has not been jacked up to level.  Dave said, "you should go up to the door and see if you can go in!"  I said, "NO.  I'll probably get shot."  At which point we pulled up and the biggest German Shepherd was in the window barking like mad, as if to prove my point.  
  2. The neighborhood in general actually looks alot better than the last time I was here - so that is good.  Lots of greenery, people watering lawns, etc.
  3. Morton looks pretty good, and I guess it's a music magnate school or something.
  4. The Bonanza dumpster behind the alley is no more.  Thank god.  Although driving down the alley was depressing as hell.
  5. More depressing was St. Catherine's - my old grade school.  It closed last year, and was a sad and dilapidated, overgrown and a shell of what it once was.  
When they say you can't go home again, they are right.  

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