Friday, September 25, 2015

First Stop, New Belgium

So our first stop yesterday was New Belgium, where Jon and I finessed our way into a brewery tour - the special brewery tour, not the one for the plebs outside.

Little did I know it was going to be TWO HOURS LONG.  And you know what?  I really don't like New Belgium beers.

Here are some things that happened:

  1. We went to the bathroom in this awesome trailer/port-o-potty.  Nicest biffy ever.
  2. Selfie of Cory and I in the nicest biffy ever.
  3. We had to wear safety glasses, and I lost mine about half way through so I had to promise not to sue them if I lost an eye.
  4. Cory had flip flops on, so they made her wear those sweet rubbers.
  5. Chris got hot, but he had his trusty little pocket fan.
  6. I got hangry after 90 minutes.  You all know this look.
  7. I went down the slide and almost threw up.
Then we had lunch - mac and cheese, a burger, and poutine.  Don't judge.  I was hungry.  Then we headed to Funkwerks.  Which was way better.


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