Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cantillon Brewery

It took about a 1/2 hour to walk to Cantillon, through another sketchy area in town. But it was well worth it.

Cantillon specializes in Lambic beers, aged three years, fermented from wild yeast. Sour, funky, fruity, fantastic!

The tour is about 20 minutes and self guided, we took lots of pics - here are a few. In the cool ship (where the beer ferments near the roof because the wild yeast comes in there) it was FUNKY. And I mean funky. But that is how you know it is going to be yummy. It's very old school, and very cool.

It was amazing to see them still doing things the same way for over 100 years, and not worrying about speed of product to market, or mass marketing. They just make really, really good beer, and they know it. We have three bottles we'll bring home. It's not for the faint of heart, if you've had a Gueze, you know what I'm talking about. It sort of makes your eye twitch uncontrollably from the sourness. Chris said when he thinks about drinking it, it makes him salivate - kind of like when you bite into a sour patch kid...but not horrifying.

This was the best part of our day in Brussels, as I had predicted.

We are off now to Chez Moder Lambic to have some more beers.


  1. I love how you have to cut through the Ghetto to get there! It makes the experience all that more rich. I'm so jealous!


  2. Cool ship? More like MOTHERSHIP!
