Sunday, May 15, 2011

Jet Lag, Day 1

Staying awake as long as we could yesterday wasn't the hard part. We left the apartment and walked around looking for a place to eat.

We found a bar called Beer Temple and went in - it was an American Beer Bar, exactly what you want to go to when in a foreign country. We had a few beers - I had a Rodenbach Vintage (excellent) and Chris had a Brewdog IPA is dead, single hopped with Bramling X hops (also excellent). Chris and I then shared a Kissmeyer Syndrome Double IPA - WOW. Super awesome. We'll be back there, I'm sure.

We then went to a beer store and scored two bottles of Westvleteren - the number 8 and the number 12. We'll be having those tonight! We had a bite to eat at a little restaurant - not exceptional, but pretty good, except for a crappy witte that we both had.

So about 8:00 we came home and crashed - just couldn't stay up...until 12:30 AM and we were WIDE awake. So we got up and watched most of the movie "Munich." Chris was up longer than I was, but we were up at 8:00 and had breakfast and getting ready for the day. I'm hoping my headache goes away - not drinking enough water.

More to come later today - and hopefully it will be more interesting than our posts so ar.

PS - Confidential to TL: over the years we have had numerous conversations about European toilets...I now completely understand.

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