Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's a small world after all...

So for our last day in Munich, we went on a brewery tour of the Ayinger Brewery. Ayinger Ur-Weisse and Brau-Weisse just happen to be two of my favorite beers, and I think NJST and TL like them alot too.

Well, we hoofed it to the brewery (after a 45 minute train ride), going the long way around in the blazing sun (now it was GORGEOUS weather today, but not used to the sun yet, so we were sweaty).

When we got there, I walked up and said my name and she said that the tour was in German, and I said, no problem.

Then an older man said, "Are you Patty?" And I said, "Yes, do I know you?"

He laughed and said that they asked him and his wife if they were the Americans under my name. We got to talking and they are staying at the apartments we are staying at!! Now come on, what are the odds.

They were SO nice. Rich and Liz are a retired couple from North Carolina, like to travel, and were spending the week in Munich. At the same apartments! We spent most of the day with them, eating lunch and talking.

Now, you are all going to think this is mean, but it was so nice to talk to someone other than Chris, and he said the same thing. And it was so nice to just talk to people on a shared topic.

So there you have it. It really is a small world, on many fronts.

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