Sunday, May 22, 2011

Visit to Dachau

After we took a nap after our uber-stressful trip to Munich, we got ready and went to visit the Dachau Memorial. I'm not sure how I felt about it.

There are people taking lots of pictures, but somehow, I didn't feel right about that. I think the most recognized picture would be of the gate that the victims walked through that says "Arbeit Macht Frei" or "Work makes us free." That kind of makes you sick to your stomach.

They do an excellent job with information, but there is a lot of it, and it feels very generalized, so you don't feel like you get to think about a person, versus people. On the other side of the continuum, there was the Anne Frank House, which is certainly more about one person that a group of people. It was an overwhelming amount of information, and I'm glad we went, it just didn't give me the same emotional one-two punch like the Holocaust Museum did, or the Anne Frank House.

That is probably a terrible thing to say. SJ at work has been there, so I'm eager to discuss with her when I am back and get her thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. The most impactful thing to me about my visit there was how close the concentration camp was to the town...truly unbelievable but I completely understand how you felt.
