Sunday, May 15, 2011

Things to Note in Amsterdam

Some things to note if you are in Amsterdam.

1) Lots and lots of bikes. Look the fuck out, or you will be run down, either by a car or a bike and either way, a furious Dutch person will glare at you...with good reason. Bikes are like our cars - everyone is on one, from the young to the old, to guys who are HOT.

2) If you are a prostitute and are advertising your wares in the window of your room, maybe sitting in a chair with your feet up, talking on your cell phone and looking at our laptop isn't the best way to attract a customer. Hey sister, I get it, you gotta make a living, but let's put in a little effort like your neighbors do or you are going to give the place a bad name.

3) Ferrets on a leash are not a good thing. Especially when a growling dog is freaking out and waiting to kill it.

4) The coffeehouses here are numerous and varied. Some look just like a bar, and some at so full at 10:00 am, you can get a contact buzz just by walking by. Fascinating.

5) The Dutch are incredibly warm, inviting, and open. Come here if you can, it is a wonderful country.

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